Malware analysis vs sandbox testing - What's the difference?

October 25, 2021

Malware analysis vs sandbox testing - What's the difference?

As a cybersecurity expert, you must be familiar with different techniques to investigate malware samples. Two of the most popular ones are malware analysis and sandbox testing. In this blog post, we'll compare these two methods and highlight the differences between them.

Malware analysis

Malware analysis is the process of examining a malware sample to understand its behavior, capabilities, and intentions. The primary goal of malware analysis is to identify and mitigate the damage that the malware can cause. There are two types of malware analysis:

Static analysis

Static analysis refers to the examination of the binary code without executing it. This can be done manually or by using automated tools such as disassemblers and decompilers. The goal of static analysis is to identify the functions and features of the malware, including its code structure, encryption techniques, and network communication protocols.

Dynamic analysis

Dynamic analysis refers to the examination of the malware sample while it's running in a controlled environment. This can be done by setting up an isolated test environment such as a virtual machine or a debugger. The goal of dynamic analysis is to observe the actual behavior of the malware, including its network traffic, system modifications, and payload delivery.

Sandbox testing

Sandbox testing is a technique to observe how a malware sample behaves in a virtual environment without affecting the host system. The malware is executed in an isolated and controlled environment, and its behavior is observed and logged. Sandbox testing is useful to identify the capabilities of the malware, including its network communication protocols, payload delivery, and evasion techniques.

What's the difference?

Malware analysis and sandbox testing are both important techniques to investigate malware. However, they have different purposes and outcomes:

  • Malware analysis is more focused on understanding the code structure and behavior of the malware, while sandbox testing is more focused on observing the actual behavior of the malware in a controlled environment.

  • Malware analysis can be done without executing the malware, while sandbox testing requires the execution of the malware.

  • Malware analysis can be both static and dynamic, while sandbox testing is always dynamic.

  • Malware analysis aims to identify the damage that the malware can cause and mitigate it, while sandbox testing aims to identify the capabilities and behavior of the malware.

In summary, malware analysis and sandbox testing are complementary techniques that can be used together to investigate malware. While malware analysis provides a deeper understanding of the code structure and behavior of the malware, sandbox testing provides a realistic view of how the malware can behave in a real environment.


In the cybersecurity field, it's essential to know different techniques to investigate malware. Malware analysis and sandbox testing are two of the most popular techniques, and they have different purposes and outcomes. By using both techniques together, you can get a more comprehensive understanding of the malware and its behavior.


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